Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Skeleton Man...

by Nathaniel L. Akers

Impressive Images your are not one
The reducing of this man has now begun
Shadows and fears you constantly represent
Everytime I see you I constantly repent
Greatness inside with nothing to hold on too
Skeleton Man How do You Do?

Reminding me often that my time is almost out
But before I am done don't count me out
Life is always moving around death 's door
Always seeing an abyss in the floor
Always being devoured by the enemies teeth
my poor decisions has made me always fresh meat.

Chewed and spit out there's not much left.
If someone needs a nothing then I will pass that test.
Greatness inside with nothing to hold on too
Skeleton How do You Do?

Clanking and shaking  my life is a bunch of noise
Seeing this skeleton man walk, he has no poise.
With all he's lost what's left to do
Skeleton Man How Do You Do?